Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Exercise night

I just spent two hours roller skating... I feel so good now. I need to find a way to exercise like this more often.

I lost 3 lbs this week too... this is a vast improvement over the past two weeks. I gained a pound last week because of overeating at Thanksgiving :( Well, actually, I was fine on Thanksgiving itself. The next day, there was this get-together at my grandmother's. My grandma is quite a controlling person, which always makes get-togethers with her uncomfortable to begin with. I went with my mom to pick out the bagels and side dishes we would be having, but somehow that didn't help. I think part of it was that my grandma was staring at me when I put food on my plate, which led me to take more food than I really needed.

Anyway, so this week I lost the pound I had gained plus two more!!! I will have lost 10% of my original body mass when I lose another pound.

I'm so proud of me...

1 comment:

Unilove said...

Congrats HM! Progress to larger goals (in your case, a large goal to get small) starts and finishes in small steady steps...congrats!!!
